Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Leave notes for Textpattern users

Once installed and activated, you’ll get: new tabs under Home, Content, Presentation and Admin to…


Creates a CSS friendly ul-based section list with optional first and active css classes on li and a tags.

Creates a CSS friendly ul-based section list with optional first and active css classes on li and a tags.


Kills Spam with a hidden Input-Field and checks for BBCode

htn_antispam is a simple plugin to prevent your textpattern blog from spamattacks. The plugin generates…


Create a profile for each author on your site.

Create a profile for authors on your site. Including: job title, personal web site address (uri/url), nickname, slogan, bio, phone and fax numbers, start date and image


Section hierarchy, section menu and breadcrumb trail

Once installed and activated, you’ll get: a new tab under Presentation, to set up the…


Abbreviate titles

Summary adi_title will output an abbreviated version of an article’s title. Usage You can use…


A football plugin

CNK_SOCCER gives you the possibility to manage football league from your textpattern backend and display…


Rapid Template Versioning

This plugin exports your pages, forms and styles to a specified folder and autoloads modified…


Sanitize text between opening & closing tag for use in a URL

This plug-in implements a container tag (mta_sanitize) which will “sanitize” any text contained between the opening & closing tag for use in a URL. This is a wrapper around the built-in sanitizeForUrl() function and will also parse other textpattern tags that it contains.


Adds a select form to jump to a specific month in a mdp_calendar or zem_event calendar.

A plugin that gives the ability to go directly to a specific month in a mdp_calendar or zem_event calendar without having to page through them one at a time.


Loads Flickr photos in the Write tab for easy photo blogging

Loads Flickr photos in the Write tab for easy photo blogging


Akismet integration for Textpattern

Akismet Plugin for Textpattern. Note: This plugin does not make use of the reporting Spam…


Iterate over TXP variables (even from the URL bar).

Iterate over stuff. Any TXP variable available on the public side can be grabbed and its contents can be filtered, then each one of the remaining items can be used in a form.


Find references to stuff (keywords search) in your pages / forms / articles / sections.

Searches pages, forms, articles and sections for references to a given text string so you can find where you have used plugins or forms and thus find ones that are no longer required.


Flash video integration / mediaplayer with playlist

elk_mediaplayer is a simple plugin for embedding Flash videos (flv) loosely based on a previous integration (bas_flvplayer) made by Bastian Sackermann.

It uses Jeroen Wijering’s Flash Media Player and the SWFObject javascript library 1.5, and mg_setheader plugin


Update the URL-only title when editing articles

Edit the title of any article and the url-title will get updated to match.


Customize format of feeds items

This plugin let you customize the format of your feeds items. The “body” of the…


txp:linklist with offset attribute

Like txp:linklist with an offset attribute.


display's image field of article in feed

Shows the article’s image field in the feed.


Allows custom, ad-hoc queries to be made to the database and each row parsed by a form.

Talk to the database directly via SQL. Plug a query in and use a form or container to iterate over the returned rows. Supports article, file and link mode processing as well as <txp:variable /> and URL variables.

SMS paid content

SMS paid content (english/русская) versions

For using this module you have to be registered at .
English: Registration
Russian: Регистрация
Every visitor of your resource is given an opportunity to vote for it.
User votes by sending a certain message to the specified number by the means of sms; a percent of the message’s cost gets added to your account in our system.
At the beginning of each month all your earnings will be transferred to you via WebMoney or CardMoney.


Re-bases Textile headings in articles to preserve hierarchy

This plugin is useful if you want to ensure that the headings marked up with…


Friend Feed plugin

aao_friendfeed is a simple plugin to parse and display your last entries from friendfeed on…


Conditional if browsing from mobile device

This plugin adds conditional tag to determine, if user is browsing from mobile device, or…


Events Manager Admin Plugin for TXP

Use this plugin to manage article-based events. Edit events via an YUI AJAX-Powered interface to quickly insert and edit events.
This plugin does not use any additional database to store info.


section and URL based on POST or GET variables in URL.

This tag works very similarly to article_custom, except that the section and url_title of the article(s) displayed are determined by either POST or GET variables in the URL


Textpattern Search and Replace

Search and replace. Pretty basic functionality. Allows you to search and replace any occurrence of text in your articles (title, body, excerpt areas)


Display recent comments

Fine, textpattern has already provided a recent comments tag. But someone love it and someone hate it. And it indeed is not so powerful enough. So, this thing was born.


  1. class: css class, default is wyn_recent_comments
  2. wraptag: tag of wrap, default is ul
  3. break: tag of every item, default is li
  4. label: title label, default is nothing


Email posts as they're published

When you publish a new post, this plugin will mail it to everywhere (email address of course :D) you want.

That means, you can publish the post onto other BSPs, which support email publish feature (like live space, or blogger), just as the same time you publish on textpattern.


Admin side colorpicker

Color Picker for use with Widescreen Template by James Muspratt or any time you want a custom color associated with an article.

This plugin adds a colorwheel to a custom field in the write tab allowing you to associate a color with each article.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern