Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Ace for Textpattern

With this plugin you can embed Ace code editor to several Textpattern’s admin-side sections. The editor is loaded using CDN.


Use CLEditor in the Body and Excerpt fields.

Installing this plugin your Textpattern’s admin side will have CLEditor editor for both Body and Excerpt fields. Tested with Textpattern 4.5.5 and 4.5.7. This plugin includes a folder called cleditor which should be uploaded inside your website’s textpattern folder.


Use jHTMLArea in the Body and Excerpt fields.

Activating this plugin your Textpattern’s admin side will have jHTMLArea editor for both Body and Excerpt fields. jHTMLArea is loaded from a content delivery network (CDN). Tested with Textpattern 4.5.5, 4.5.7 and 4.6.0-beta.


Use TinyMCE in the Body and Excerpt fields.

Activating this plugin your Textpattern’s admin side will have TinyMCE editor for both Body and Excerpt fields. TinyMCE is loaded from a content delivery network (CDN). Tested with quite recent Textpattern versions.


Mathematical Formulae with Mimetex, without a LaTeX distribution or shell access

This plugin features simple LaTeX-like rendering of mathematical formulae without the need of having shell…


CodeMirror syntax highlighting + Zen Coding

A syntax-highlighting plugin for Textpattern admin – now with Zen Coding (Pages, Forms & CSS).


A spoiler plugin that gives you foldable areas

This plugin gives you the power to create fold-able boxes, that you can click on to hide or show. Just as you know it from many forums.


Apply wraptag / label to any tag, plugin or content and apply transformations to the data

Wrap any content with standard Txp wraptag / class / html_id / label items and run the content through a sequence of transformations in the process. If the content is empty, no wrap is performed or the <txp:else /> is executed.


Easy EditArea integration

Makes in-browser code editing surprisingly pleasant


CKEditor WYSIWYG editor for TXP

A very basic version of the plugin. It loads the CKEditor into the body and excerpt textareas on the Write tab. As of version 0.1 the full editor is loaded and no customization of it is possible without editing the plugin.


Textile-Enabled Replacement for txp:title

Provides a <txp:hhh_textile_title/> tag that can employ Textile in processing of article titles. The extent of Textpattern capabilities is controlled by attributes. The tag is meant as a replacement for <txp:title/> and cannot be emulated by upm_textile.


Backend Textile Bar

Minimal Textile inserting bar to the backend’s Write-tab


Attempts to correctly title-case text.

A Textpattern port of the Wordpress plugin Title Case by Adam Nolley. It is ultimately based on code by John Gruber.

wet_commentmagic: Auto-link URLs in comments

Apply automatic Textile markup on comments

wet_commentmagic changes all parts of a comment which might be decipherable as a web address…


Parse any text with Textile

Parse any text with Textile.


Give your listings a little highlight!

Updated to v0.5

A plugin to format and display a text file—specifically a file of code—in a convenient manner.

There are other plugins out there that do this, but this was my first shot an a TXP plugin—a project on which to cut my php teeth—and I wanted a code listing with cleaner layout than glx_code and a lot leaner output than GeSHi. This is the result.


WYSIWYG article editor

Adds a TinyMCE based WYSIWYG editor to Textpattern.

This is an update for mic_tinymce, originally developed by Michele Campeotto.


Textile setting for excerpts

Toggle default Textile setting for excerpts.


syntax highlighted code

This plugin creates a shaded area with syntax highlighted code (for PHP only currently).


A formating bar that will insert textile formating code in the textarea

This plugin will create a formating bar that will insert textile formating code in the textarea. Its based on the quicktags used by wordpress.


Comment out parts of forms completely

The anc_hide plugin allows you to comment out areas of a page or form opaquely;…


Format code as Dunstan's shown us

Saw Dunstan Orchard’s article about tag redefinition and thought that this could / would be…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern