Caches the outout of an url (simple GET APIs, URIs, websites etc.).
Caches the outout of an url (simple GET APIs, URIs, websites etc.). It can also be used to cache dynamic pages of the own website.
Caches the outout of an url (simple GET APIs, URIs, websites etc.). It can also be used to cache dynamic pages of the own website.
Easily display your own quote or pull one from the following services: Le Figaro (fr).…
Conditionally generate output depending on whether any of the enclosed tags generate content.
Create social links for your articles (support for facebook®, Twitter®, G+®, Pinterest®, Tumblr®, Pocket®, Instapaper®, Linkedin®, Reddit®, Dribbble®) with an icon (optional and in SVG format) a share counting (optional), total share count (optional) plus all needed Open Graph meta tags for your head document (if applicable).
pat_amazon_isbn is a Textpattern CMS plugin that converts ISBN13 format numbers to ISBN10 ones in order to access the corresponding book page on Amazon stores (support for internationalization).
This plugin provides a system for managing external script files from within TXP Admin. select…
Poll – Ballot – Voting plugin
adi_join is a simple little thing to join stuff together. Useful for creating comma-separated lists…
adi_form_links is another plugin designed to speed up workflow. It gives you a list of…
This plugin answers an old question asked in the french forum: se connecter depuis une page du site.
It can be summarized as “I want to be able from the site to connect to my Textpattern account, and if I am connected to see something special for me”.
This plugin has two functions: rate an article by voting plus or minus, and return a list of best (or worst) rated articles.
Rah_runtime returns execution time between a tag pair. The plugin can be used diagnose and test parts of code, and to pinpoint the source of a slowly executing page.
Split, loop and repeat a value by value. With this Textpattern plugin, you can turn a simple list of values into advanced HTML output and lists. Split markup half, and represent halves in different places on the page.
Textpattern port of the Twounter Wordpress plugin (v1.01) by Muhammad Haris, which lets you display the current number of people that are following your Twitter profile.
yab_email is a tiny Textpattern CMS-Plugin for obfuscating and defuscating email adresses to prevent harvesting email adresses.
Adds no-cache headers to admin-side pages. The plugin tries to disable all unwanted admin-side caching that could make editing articles and page templates impossible.
Block or allow visitors by range of IP addresses. All powered by a elegant single little tag.
A tiny Textpattern plugin that returns contained content with all searched occurrences replaced with given replacements. All powered with a simple XML stylish Textpattern tag.
aks_var operate with Txp variables, Custom Fields, apache variables, thisarticle variables, any PHP variables. Calculate, substr, regexp
85 articles