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Creates a CSS friendly ul-based section list with optional first and active css classes on li and a tags.


<txp:rob_ul_section_list li_first_class="first" li_active_class="current" default_title="Home" sections="Section One, Section Two" include_default="1" />


class="class name"
(X)HTML class attribute to be applied to the parent ul. Default is section_list.
sections="section name(s)"
Comma-separated list of section names to include in the list, displayed in specified order (unless overriden with sort attribute). Default is unset, leading to an unrestricted list of all sections.
exclude="section name(s)"
Comma-separated list of section names to exclude from the list. Default is unset. sections takes precendence over exclude.
Whether to include "default" section in section list. Default is 0.
Text used as a title for the "default" section when include_default is set to 1. Default is Site Name.
Label for the top of the list. Default is unset.
(X)HTML tag (without brackets) to wrap around label. Default is unset.
sort="sort value(s)"
How to sort the resulting list. Available values: name, page, css, is_default, in_rss, on_frontpage, searchable, title, rand() (random). Default is name asc.
li_active_class="class name"
(X)HTML class attribute to be applied to the currently selected li. Default is unset.
li_first_class="class name"
(X)HTML class attribute to be applied to the first li element in the ul. Default is unset.
a_active_class="class name"
(X)HTML class attribute to be applied to the currently selected a. Default is unset.
a_first_class="class name"
(X)HTML class attribute to be applied to the first a element in the ul. Default is unset.


Article Request Count:
Initially released:
04 Aug 2008
Posted here:
04 Aug 2008

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