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Fine, textpattern has already provided a recent comments tag. But someone love it and someone hate it. And it indeed is not so powerful enough. So, this thing was born.
- class: css class, default is wyn_recent_comments
- wraptag: tag of wrap, default is ul
- break: tag of every item, default is li
- label: title label, default is nothing
- labeltag: tag of title, default is nothing
- limit: number of comments to show, default is 10
- wordcount: the length of each comment. The comment whose length is longer than this value, it will be cut off, with UTF-8 support. default is 10
- messagebreak: if a comment has been cut off, this value will be showed after it. default is ‘…’
- format: the things to show. you can customize it by using tags (
for comment content,%commenter%
for commenter name,%time%
for comment time and%title%
for post title). default is%content%
- atitle: the title attribute of generated a links. tags can also be used here. default is
%commenter% on %time%
- section: limit the comments into one section
- timeformat: the format of time. it uses standard PHP time format, you can refer PHP doc to know more. default is ‘%d %b %Y · %X’, a little difficult :D