Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Google-like pagination for articles and other lists.

Based on the orphaned ob1_pagination plugin, etc_pagination inherits most of its features and adds the possibility to fully customize its output.


Recent Items

adi_recent_tab is designed to speed up workflow – especially during website construction. The Recent dropdown…


Create custom admin-side menu structures and populate with content from Pages

Ease your clients’ workflow by creating additional menu tabs/hierarchies and populating them with content from TXP Pages/Stylesheets.


A navigation management plugin

yab_navigation – A navigation management plugin


Page counting and navigation widgets

Display page navigation widgets and information for article list pages


Chop long articles into smaller paged pieces at some text/tags of your choosing.

Automatically cut long articles into smaller pieces at custom points or on particular (X)HTML tags.


Navigate beyond the conventional TXP article structure; multiple sections, future articles, the works

Leave the boundaries of TXP’s next/previous article and walk through your articles however you like: across sections; by author; by category; using article_image or custom field navigation; future articles; pretty much anything you can think up.


Multiple-page documents

A system for assembling, managing, and creating navigation elements for multi-page articles.

wet_haystack: Add additional fields to full-text search

Custom fulltext search index builder

Add more fields to the fulltext search index
Textpattern’s full text index uses the articles’ body and title contents to find proper matches for site-internal searches.
wet_haystack is a plugin for Textpattern CMS which allows site publishers to modify this default behaviour by adding additional article fields to the set of indexed content.


Weighted list of popular categories

A plugin for producing weighted lists of popular article categories that can be styled using CSS to take on the appearance of a category cloud. It’s based on the work of Mirko Jost.


Category & article menu

adi_cat_menu will produce a menu of child categories and their articles. By default, adi_cat_menu will…


Build valid Sitemaps

Build valid Sitemaps. Supports section, category, article and custom urls, and also custom permanent link…


Creates a CSS friendly ul-based section list with optional first and active css classes on li and a tags.

Creates a CSS friendly ul-based section list with optional first and active css classes on li and a tags.


Section hierarchy, section menu and breadcrumb trail

Once installed and activated, you’ll get: a new tab under Presentation, to set up the…


Adds a select form to jump to a specific month in a mdp_calendar or zem_event calendar.

A plugin that gives the ability to go directly to a specific month in a mdp_calendar or zem_event calendar without having to page through them one at a time.


Iterate over TXP variables (even from the URL bar).

Iterate over stuff. Any TXP variable available on the public side can be grabbed and its contents can be filtered, then each one of the remaining items can be used in a form.


Pipe neighboring articles into an article form

<txp:jmd_neighbor/> allows for next and previous articles to be output in an article form. This…

rsx_page_number [revised]

Display page numbers on article list pages

A new version of Ramanan Sivaranjan’s textpattern plugin , originally found on I’ve added some options and a new tag.

Offers the following tags to display page numbers on article list pages: rsx_page_number, rsx_last_page_num, rsx_page_number_nav, rsx_page_number_list, and rsx_to_of.


basically same as txp:popup except wraps each parent category in unselectable optgroup tag and lists each child category underneath them for better organization

lam_category_popup v0.5 download here idea derived from this thread basically the same thing as <txp:popup…


Subsection Plugin

This is a section hierarchy / subsection plugin. Download version 0.3.10: Download compressed 0.3.10:…

jra_link_to_next & jra_link_to_prev

variation on link_to_next/prev with sort

These 2 article tags are replacements for link_to_next and link_to_prev which offer additional section and sort attributes to better reflect the position in the list.


Adaptable 2-Level Navigation-Menu with Highlighting

This plugin tries to accomplish the following: Building a 2-Level Navigation-Menue using a single TXP-tag.…


manipulate order and sections of articles simply using Drag & Drop

With our new Textpattern plugin you can manipulate the order of your articles and put them in different sections – by simply using Drag & Drop!


replacement tag for link_to_prev with ability to set the output format as a link tag

cwh_link_to_prev is a that provides a replacement tag for <txp:link_to_prev /> that includes a new…


repalces link_to_next with ability to set output format as a link tag

cwh_link_to_next is a plugin that provides a replacement tag for <txp:link_to_next /> that includes a…


replaces link_to_home and includes ability to set output format as a link tag.

cwh_link_to_home is a Textpattern plugin that provides a replacement tag for <txp:link_to_home /> that includes…


Weighted list of article categories

Attention: This plugin is in an early stage. Please be aware, that it may contain…


Category popup with article count

<txp:rley_popup_cat /> creates a popup/dropdown list similar to <txp:popup type=“c” /> and <txp:zem_popup_cat />. It…


powerful breadcrumb generator

I created this plugin due to issues I was having with <txp:breadcrumb />. It addresses issues with <txp:breadcrumb /> and expands on the usability. I started with the function for <txp:breadcrumb /> written for TXP 4.0.4 RC1. This function had addressed issue with changing the label for the home link. But it wouldn’t show the category when viewing an individual article. Both of these have been addressed in this plugin. Please review the attributes below to also see new features.


Article index made from heading titles anchors in the article body

This plugin creates a list of links pointing to anchors present in heading titles in the body of an article, so the user can easily navigate through it. It must be used in an article form.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern