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When you publish a new post, this plugin will mail it to everywhere (email address of course :D) you want.

That means, you can publish the post onto other BSPs, which support email publish feature (like live space, or blogger), just as the same time you publish on textpattern.


  • 0.2: Add admin config panel, you can not only set the email addresses here, but also customize the content of mail
  • 0.1: Initialize Release, just has basal function, a little troublesome to use


  1. Install and active it, and of course, set up your email publish function of your BSPs
  2. Go to extenstion -> Email Publish
  3. Now you can set the mail address, use ‘;’ to separator if you have more than one address
  4. Set the title and body of mail, you can use the tag title, body, author and link to replace the title
    , the content, the author name and the link of the article. (NOTICE: link and body are NOT allowed in mail title)
  5. Go to write a new post to introduce this little thing :D

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Posted here:
01 Apr 2008

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