Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Shows your pictures in TextPattern

Use your pictures in your Textpattern site.


Add favatars to comments

This plugin allows for display of favatars (favicon avatars) in comments and is intended to be used within your default comment form. The output is a complete image tag; if no image is found or some problem occurs, no image tag is output.


Output current comment number

Allows for outputting current comment number.


Related articles by keywords

This plug-in behaves the same as related_articles except that it searches for keywords as well.…


Displays photosets from

Here is a simple plugin which displays a set of thumbnails from using the…


Allows checking name of commenter against article author or custom list of names

Conditional output based on comparing the name, email, and/or url of the commenter. You could…


Gravatar plugin

Outputs a users Gravatar in comments. More info about Gravatars at


Returns a value from thiscomment

Returns a value from $thiscomment

Use this tag inside a comment form


embed Flash

Provides a textpattern interface for Geoff Stearns’ excellent standards compliant Flash detection and embedding JavaScript.…


connects individual article to link categories

This plugin gives you two more txp-tags:
txp:bas_links_per_article and txp:bas_if_links_per_article


adds error document support to TxP

sgb_error_documents adds error document handling to TxP. Currently the plugin supports two error codes, 403 Forbidden and 404 Not Found, more can easily be add. (Although this plugin was designed as a companion to sgb_url_handler it can be used by any plugin/hack.)


Support all URL formats at the same time

I was excited about the new clean-URL options in TxP 1.0 (esspecially about dropping the ID from the URL), but I was disaapointed to learn that TxP would only accept URLs in the format it was writing them in. So I wrote a plugin to address that. Announcing sgb_url_handler.


creates a blogroll from NetNewsWires

Parses NetNewsWires OPML Subscription list into a HTML list.


section-aware automatic section and article menus

The rdt_dynamenus plugin automagically generates section-aware menus of sections and articles and ensures that they are automagically updated whenver new sections or articles are added to the website.


Breadcrumbs navigational aid

This is a plugin to show breadcrumbs for txp. It already has quite a few…


Automatic archive generation

Generates a listing of articles by section, category and/or author. The default output is an HTML definition list but the use of forms and paging is also supported.


Transforms a txt-file to a nice code presentation

This plugin implements Dunstan’s ideas of code presentation Parameters file subtext sublinktext olclass Example tags…


Recent articles in a dropdown list

akh_selrecent is a modified (and seperate) version of txp:recent_articles. it outputs exactly the same information…


Displays the most popular articles according to your log.

This plugin scours your log file to determine the most accessed articles. Articles are displayed…


Email article link plugin

<txp:mrh_email_article_link /> generates a simple “mailto:” link using either a button image and/or text link that provides the URL for the current article in the message body (thus this should be used inside a single article form) and the title in the subject line.


Monthly or yearly archives

The rss_suparchive_menu will build listings of months or years along with the article totals within…


Breadcrumbs plugin

I’ve turned my really simple PHP breadcrumbs into a Textpattern plugin. Use with clean URL…


11 conditional tags

This plugin comes with 11 different conditional tags. glx_if_frontpage If we are on the websites…


Display content every n-th step

<txp:zem_nth> conditionally displays content every “n-th” step. Example uses: Alternate or cycle colours and…


Advanced search for Textpattern

This plugin is quite advanced and some parts of it can probably be tweaked even…


Modify page title display

This plugin is for control of and flexible utilization of document titles. It is an enhancement to the <txp:page_title /> tag.


Passes content conditional on category

This plugin is used as such: <txp:mdm_if_category category="..."> stuff goes here </txp:mdm_if_category> The category attribute…


Date shows once per day rather than for each article

Have the date print once per day rather than for every article Provides date aware…


Word count tags

Two tags are made available with this plugin: rsx_word_count (number of words in a post),…


Random text from database or text file

Random Text grabs a random text string from either a database table or a text…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern