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Here is a simple plugin which displays a set of thumbnails from Flickr.com using the Flickr API. The thumbnails are selected using a Flickr “tag” or “photoset”.
The idea here is to use Flickr to manage uploading, tagging, organization and whatnot, then make it simple to show a small gallery of thumbnails using a small, fairly simple plugin. And yep, the missing “e” thing gets annoying, but what are you going to do?
IMPORTANT: This plugin will only work using PHP 5, as it uses the lovely new SimpleXML extension only available in that version. Yes, I know this limits the audience, sorry.
<txp:jab_gallry set="14145" linktarget="window" columns="3" />
set (or tag) – The Flickr set number or tag name. Set numbers are not displayed directly on Flickr, but can be found by looking in the URL while viewing the set on the Flickr site.
linktarget (window|self|flickr) – Determines what happens after clicking on a thumbnail. “Window” opens the original image in a new window. “Self” reloads the current page and displays the image inline (note this shouldn’t be used if more than one set is to be displayed on the same page.) “Flickr” opens up the image right on the Flickr site.
columns – How many images to display in a column
This is an early, barely tested version, so bug reports and feature ideas are more than welcome.
Here’s an example of it being used on my site…
Archived [?]: orphaned: broken download link