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<txp:mrh_email_article_link /> generates a simple “mailto:” link using either a button image and/or text link that provides the URL for the current article (thus this should be used inside a single article form) and the title in the subject line. In v. 0.4, you can also set your own message with the mymessage parameter or prepend the mymessage before the URL with the prepend parameter. If you wish to add a line break between the mymessage and the article URL, you can use %0D%0A. Example: <txp:mrh_email_article_link mymessage="Someone thought you might like to read this article:%0D%0A" prepend="yes" />


subject: the TXP global variable $thisarticle[‘title’] is the default, but you can set this manually.

textlink: the string “Email article link” is the default, but you can set your own with this parameter. Note: this is required, because it is used for the “alt” parameter even if you are using an image link.

imagepath: default is empty, but if you have an image you would like to use as a button, you can set it here like imagepath=”./images/my_button.gif” and it will override the textlink.

classname: default is empty, but this allows you to style your textlink or image link with a <div> with your own class.

toemail: email address if you wish to use this as a to email link. Email address is obfuscated (hidden from spambots).

imagetext: Option to set if you want the textlink to accompany a link image button. Default is ‘no’. Set to ‘yes’ if you would like to present the image button with the link text to the side.

mymessage: NEW! Set your own message instead of the article URL. (X)HTML can be used. If used with the prepend parameter, it will be used as the prepended text before the article URL.

prepend: Set this to ‘yes’ to prepend mymessage parameter to the article URL. Example: <txp:mrh_email_article_link mymessage="Someone thought you should read this article: " prepend="yes" />

Article Request Count:

Archived [?]: orphaned: broken link

Initially released:
Posted here:
26 Feb 2005

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Published with Textpattern