Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Connect TXP with Technorati

There are at least a few plugins out there designed to better connect Textpattern powered sites to Technorati. This one just uses categories, or multiple custom fields if you need more than two tags on an article.


Pull in RSS Feeds from other sites

This plugin will display RSS feeds or Atom feeds with unbeatable style. This is because…


Rotating Image

Display a image that changes on a time interval.


Section Menu

Creates a menu from your sections.


Upcoming Events List

Creates a list of future, live articles.


Highlights the current article or current section.

This plugin highlights the current article or current section.


Generate the 'robots' meta information for a page

I’ve written a simple plugin to generate the meta information used by the google bot to decide whether to index a page or not.


Tests if the excerpt is empty or if it is not empty

This plugin lets you test if there is anything in the excerpt or not.


Article Associated Image Gallery

This plugin creates a simple image gallery with optional association to specific article. Usage There…


Image slideshow plugin

Displays Next and Previous buttons for use in image slideshows, either with text links or with thumbnails, and display series of photographs organised according to category.


simple e-mail form, modified

This plugin will generate a simple email feedback form, ideal for


Produces a calendar interface to live articles

mdp_Calendar allows you to create a calendar of live articles for a certain month. The…


Format dates without leading zeroes

This tag, <txp:gaw_iiiDate /> simply removes leading zeroes from a posted date.


Watermark your images

This plugin will add a watermark to an image on the fly.


Get related articles from other blogs via Waypath

Will retrieve related content from other blogs by way of Waypath and their XML-RPC interface.


Displays a list of all articles in a section

djw_section_articles will spit out a list of links to all of the articles in the current section.


Clean, configurable URLs

Clean, configurable URLs for Textpattern.


Supports thumbnails and multiple images

A replacement for txp:article_image that supports thumbnails and multiple images per article.


Display progress of a Dropcash donation campaign

Display the progress of a Dropcash donation campaign in real time.


Posted date with time zone format support

A replacement for the Textpattern <txp:posted /> tag that understands time zones. <txp:zem_posted /> is…


Popup category list

A context-sensitive popup category list for Textpattern, shows only categories associated with the current section.…


Improved error reporting

zem_debug provides strict error reporting and improved error messages for Textpattern. Where available (PHP…


Flexible email contact/feedback form

zem_contact produces a flexible, customizable and secure email feedback form / email contact form for Textpattern.


Reduces the incentive for comment spam.

Applies PR blocking to outgoing links, to reduce the incentive for comment spam.


Returns url of article; also for a pulldown menu of articles by section

This plugin is no longer needed, this ability is now supported by the built-in tag,…


Displays a list of the most commented-upon articles.

The purpose of Chatometer is to list articles by the number of comments they receive.…


Image tag for Powell's Books partner program

This simple plugin, for Powell’s Books Partner Program, returns an image tag of a book…


Generate links for Powel's Books partner program

This simple plugin, Powell’s Books Partner Program, returns a “View/Buy this book at Powell’s” anchor link tag, taking the book’s ISBN as its single required attribute.


Advanced mail encoder

This is a drop-in replacement for the txp:email tag which attempts to provide a more robust block against spam harvesters.


General purpose conditional statement

Basically this is a general purpose if / else if / else tag that can be applied on already existing plugins and functions.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern