Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Modified Recent Articles

A version of recent articles that allows ability to filter list by section, and change starting point of list


Displays list of images

Displays a list of images in a particular image category and displays it using thumbnails


Extends styling and options of recent_articles

This plugin gives you the recent articles and opens up to style it a little bit more than the orginal.


Counts images in an article or category

A simple plugin that counts how many images there is in an article or a category or just total number of images uploaded to TXP.


Outputs a gallery from an image category to a dl list

This plugin is is a hacked version of jwl_img_list it outputs a gallery from a given category to a nice dl list if the parameter usecaption is set to 1 it outputs a caption under the image.


Countdown time to a given date

This plugin will display how long time it is until a given date and when that date is reached it will display whatever text you want.


Conditional on section

ob1_if_section is a conditional that supports multiple sections to be set and the use of negate. The negate code are a re-write from the one used in mattmoss’ mdm_if_category plugin.


Make the posted date linkable to date-archives

I put together an alternative to the standard <txp:posted/> tag. The major addition is that each part of the date (year, month and day) will be hyperlinked.


for executing php code

<txp:zem_php> offers an alternative to <?php ?> for executing PHP code.


Return an article image or a standard image

tfu_image_or returns an article image URL or a default value of your choice.


Comment out parts of forms completely

The anc_hide plugin allows you to comment out areas of a page or form opaquely;…


Send HTTP headers from within templates

The anc_header plugin allows you to specify custom HTTP headers within your templates.


Make an image rollover from two TXP images

This plugin allows you to specify two Textpattern images by name or ID, which will…


Use old posted format in RC3

This plugin allows you to use the old date formatting beyond rc2.


Admin plugin: public notepad

I decided to give admin plugins a try and this seems to work out well. It’s pretty much the same as the former (and pretty much now defunct) notepad hack


custom permalinks plugin

This is a plugin for custom permalinks.


Resize image and creates a thumbnail on upload

This is a admin plugin, it adds more options to Textpatterns image edit page. Resize image, create thumbnail and rotate image.

(Original at


Display list of installed plugins

This is another plugin that uses forms to display stuff. Here, it’ll display a list…


Textpattern rating system

Allows a rating system.


Last updated date and time

tcm_lastupdate returns the date and time of your site’s last update (the last article posted). It uses the same options as txp:posted.


Switch hyperlink generator

fla_altlist_link is a style-switch hyperlink generator. It allows you to easily and quickly create links to alternate stylesheets switcher with fla_style_switcher .


Style switcher

fla_style_switcher is a stylesheet switching system. It enables a cookie-based style switcher system, based on Build a PHP Switcher by Chris Clark, published on


Conditional tags on comment cookie

This plugin allows you to display certain information about comments only to those users who don’t have the comment cookie set, i.e. who are likely to be first-time visitors.


Create a calender with upcoming articles

This is a small evolution of the great rss_suparchive plugin by Rob Sable allowing you to view events/articles/etc. in archive list form using the rss_suparchive options, however this plugin only shows items from the current timestamp and on into the future, instead of using the default TXP way of only displaying articles from now into the past.


Content negotiation for XHTML documents depending on the browser

A plugin that handles switching of MIME Types, serving Textpattern documents as application/xhtml+xml, with a…


Cuts a piece of text down to a string of specified length

This is a simple plugin to cut a string of text at a specified character limit, then add a string to the end, like ellipses.


Output an unordered list of the most recent comments

In the current version, the recent_comments tag from Dean isn’t working like I want it. I want an unordend list, like the other lists (recent articles, related etc.) So I made my own plugin that I can use till Dean fixed the list problem (cause it should work in my opinion).


Section renaming and management pluginSection renaming and management plugin

Textpattern names sections in a rather simplistic way and has no ability to add meta information such as link titles, ids, or descriptions. Also, since it names sections based on disk directories, it needs a way to associate a more human readable name with a given section.


Display the date (and author) of the last modification to an article

This plugin uses the same syntax as <txp:posted /> but outputs the last-modified date instead.…


Format code as Dunstan's shown us

Saw Dunstan Orchard’s article about tag redefinition and thought that this could / would be…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern