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rsx_page_number [original]

Offers the following tags to display page numbers on article list pages: rsx_page_number, rsx_last_page_num, rsx_page_number_nav, rsx_page_number_list

<rsx_page_number_nav />

This tag will print out a simple navigation widget, that will display arrows to the previous and next pages, and will also display the page number you are on, and the total number of pages. It will look something like: << Page 2 of 7 >>. Simple insert the tag <rsx_page_number_nav /> on the page of form you wish the navigation widget to appear.

Optional: You can supply an attribute of newer to change the text used to link to newer pages. Similarly you can supply an attribute of older to change the text used to link to older pages.

The text generated is wraped in spans, that can be styled using css. There are three spans generated, rsx-nav-right, rsx-nav-left, and rsx-nav-middle.

<txp:rsx_page_number_list />

This tag will display a list of page number, that can be used to navigate your site, similar to a listing or search results from google — i.e a list like 1,2,3,4 ... 100, where the numbers are links to the appropriate page.

Optional: You can supply an attribute of delim to change the delimeter of each page number. Currently it is a “,”. You can supply an attribute of windowSize to specify how many pages you would like to have visible in your list at a time.

The tag will generate an unordered list of page numbers. The best way to style such a list is with the following CSS:

ul.rsx-page-num-list{ display:inline; list-style:none; margin:0px; padding:0px; }

ul.rsx-page-num-list li { display: inline; }

<txp:rsx_page_number />

This tag will display the page number associated with the page currently being displayed by textpattern. Simply insert the tag on a page or form where you wish to display the page number.

Optional: You can supply an attribute of offset to add some amount to the current page number. For example, you could use this tag in combination with the <txp:newer> to display the page number you are linking to: <txp:newer> page <txp:rsx_page_number offset="-1" /> </txp:newer> . (I am not so sure if this is a useful feature or not. Nevertheless it is there.)

<txp:rsx_last_page_num />

This tag will display the last page number in an article listing. Simple insert the tag <txp:rsx_last_page_num /> on a page or form template to view the last page number. This tag allows you to display something like “Page 1 of 3” by using the code Page <txp:rsx_page_number /> of <txp:rsx_last_page_num />.

Article Request Count:

Archived [?]: updated version: <txp:zem_link href="946">revised rsx_page_number</txp:zem_link>

Initially released:
Posted here:
01 Sept 2005

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Published with Textpattern