section and URL based on POST or GET variables in URL.
This tag works very similarly to article_custom, except that the section and url_title of the article(s) displayed are determined by either POST or GET variables in the URL…
This tag works very similarly to article_custom, except that the section and url_title of the article(s) displayed are determined by either POST or GET variables in the URL…
When you publish a new post, this plugin will mail it to everywhere (email address of course :D) you want.
That means, you can publish the post onto other BSPs, which support email publish feature (like live space, or blogger), just as the same time you publish on textpattern.
<txp:jmd_neighbor/> allows for next and previous articles to be output in an article form. This…
This plugin provides access to an author’s username and email address. It can also modify…
Contains one tag, soo_toc
, which will produce a linked and nested table of contents for an article, based on the article’s headings (h1, h2, etc. tags).
basically like zem_article_info, except this plugin provides live word count update as you type, permalink, and displays the current article id. (link and id don’t show up until you actually save the article of course)
Offers people searching your site the ability to mis-spell or badly type words and still…
Compares any TXP fields with any other text/fields using a variety of conditional operators such as equals, contains, not, greater than, isnumeric etc. Tests can be combined with AND/OR logic.
Social bookmarking plugin for textpattern. Currently supported are:,,,,
More will come in the next version and per request.
an7_filter offers custom text replacement; from emoticons and smilies to keyword links.
fox_code (Textpattern 4.4 compatible) is a bridge to the powerful GeSHi syntax highlighter (110+ languages supported). It allows you to customize your code sections thanks to it’s integration with textpattern’s templates.
Using this plugin, you can get a sphere widget onto your textpattern site all quick-like!
This plugin enable you to store versions of the articles. You can see the differences between versions.
Publishers receive an email when an article is Pending, and the author when receives an…
A Textpattern plug-in which adds an <notextile><txp:mta_digg_it /></notextile>
tag which will embed a smart, JavaScript “Digg This” button (with submit capability) in your article. The first time someone clicks on the “Digg This” button, they’ll be brought to’s link submission page with most of the information about the link already filled out (you can provide more or less information using various attributes). Any subsequent clicks will be brought to to “digg” the article.
wet_if_status contains two conditional tags which check for an article’s status being either “live” or…
A Textpattern plug-in that adds an mta_article_id
tag which is intended as a replacement for the built-in article_id
tag and extends it to optionally return the “URL title” instead of the numerical “id” of the article.
This plugin creates a list of links pointing to anchors present in heading titles in the body of an article, so the user can easily navigate through it. It must be used in an article form.
The rss_auto_excerpt plugin automatically displays article excerpts even if an excerpt has not been saved…
pnh_mf is a plugin that adds a simple way to incorporate microformats such as XFN, hCard, hReview and hCalendar into your website.
This plugin automatically generates excerpts from the body of each article based on attributes you provide. Attributes include, length of excerpt, text of a “read more” link, the css class applied to a span that wraps around this link, the format of the link (inside or outside the paragraph), and the name of a custom field to use to specify the “read more” link.
ske_geshi is a plugin for Textpattern which allows you to post some code snippets in a friendly and clear manner. The syntax will be highlighted using the fabolous Generic Syntax Highlighter GeSHi.
Updated to v1.0 (May 10th, 2006)
A simple plugin that outputs a copyright message with dates automatically pulled from the articles in your TXP installation.
This effectively means you (and your clients) can forget about having to do copyright notice maintenance—yeah!
117 articles