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EditArea is a JavaScript-based code editor for browser textareas. Features include:
- Code highlighting
- Browser tab-key override for proper tabbing in the textarea
- Full-screen mode
- Find & replace w/ regex support
- Multiple undo/redo
soo_editarea provides easy integration of EditArea into Textpattern. (Well, pretty easy: there are a few steps involved.)
You can set plugin preferences for:
- Syntax language for Page & Form editing, allowing custom syntax file
- Source path, making it easier to share one EditArea installation across multiple sites
- Various EditArea options (tooltip language, font size & family, &c.)
Available at
Version History
- 0.1.2 (2010/12/20)
- More preference options (tooltip language, font size & family, tab-to-space conversion)
- 0.1.1 (2010/12/20)
- Documentation update [thanks to Marc C. for the suggestions]
- 0.1.0 (2010/12/20)
- EditArea integration for Txp’s Page Template, Form, and CSS editors
— Suggested by the (apparently defunct) atb_editarea plugin, and discussion on the Txp forum.
Initially released:
Posted here:
20 Dec 2010