Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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This plugin displays the article author’s name as a mailto link using HTML entity encoding.


Define information for authors

This plugin provides the ability to also define a URL, nickname, bio, email and image…


This plugin generates a Firefox button for your site based on those available on the…


Frontend Edit Link

This plugin will add a link to your posts that will take you directly the…


Blosxom ratings

This plugin is a port of Rael Dornfest’s ratings plugin for the elegant Blosxom. It…


Dynamic image gallery

Gallery that allows you to use a wide variety of options for format and display thumbnails, text and pictures.


Formatted contact cards redux

This plugin produces a list of authors and administrators for a site with additional contact…


Formatted contact cards

This plugin creates a formatted list of the authors and administrators for a Textpattern driven…


Improved article custom

This plugin operates the same way as the base Textpattern article custom, however it adds…


Section linking

This plugin creates a link back to the current section, without needing to know what…


Section archival

This plugin creates a list of permalinked article titles split out by month, year, and…


Section override

This plugin modifies the sectional context for an enclosed block of code. This was an…


A plugin for "Today in History" events

This plugin grabs the the current date page from the Wikipedia. It then parses out…


Pick an article to transform into a guestbook

A plugin that transforms an article into a guestbook. Main features are reverse ordering of…


A Time Since generator

It takes a certain date specified in parts (i. e. year, month, hour etc.) and…


Output the number of words in an article.

To use it simply add this tag to your article form template


Output the number of articles in...

This plugin will output the number of articles in a specified Section and/or Category. It…


To show custom fields

Use the tag from this plugin to display the contents from your custom fields. Usage…


Plugins Table Generator of plugins on your site

This plugin is quite simple; it will generate a list of the plugins you have currently installed on your Textpattern site.


Redirect for Textpattern URLs

301 redirect and 404 not found handler for Textpattern articles. Redirects browsers and search engine…


Article counting plugin

This plugin will count the number of articles in a particular section. It will also count the number of articles with a given category (in either field 1 or 2).


Google-styled page navigatioon

This plugin creates a navigation bar as seen on Google when you search for something.…


Some additional category Tags

1) Article-Form-Tag: Shows Categories, if they are set. (can only be used in an article…


Random Image from category

I created a plugin that will randomly pick an image from a category (or comma…


Random Image by Category

A little like Dean’s random image plugin, except this picks an image from those already…


Easy image links

This plugin will generate targeted links to pre-sized popup windows for images uploaded via Textpattern.…


Meta description and keywords tags

Thought it would be neat to have the use of the meta description and keywords…


Custom field conditionals

This plugin provides a number of conditional tests for custom fields.


Expansion on permalinks

<txp:zem_link> creates links. It works as a replacement for txp:permlink, and it can also be…


Custom article list plugin

The chh_article_custom plugin is an enhanced replacement for txp:article_custom and txp:article, offering features like context-sensitive operation, support for multiple categories/sections, hierarchical category searching, and advanced date/time selection.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern