Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Recent Referers to Textpattern site

Recent Referers works much in the same way as TXP’s own recent articles and recent…


Simple Weblog Statistics

I have written a little plugin which can give you basic weblog statistics. This plugin…


BBClone for Textpattern

Includes the BBClone counter into your pages; this Plugin makes the BBClone web statistics tool…


Simple hit counter plugin

This plugin works with BBClone. You install the counter script (get it from here), set…


Article Request Counter

This plugin will let you keep tabs on the number of times an article is…


Blosxom ratings

This plugin is a port of Rael Dornfest’s ratings plugin for the elegant Blosxom. It…


Output the number of words in an article.

To use it simply add this tag to your article form template


Output the number of articles in...

This plugin will output the number of articles in a specified Section and/or Category. It…


Article counting plugin

This plugin will count the number of articles in a particular section. It will also count the number of articles with a given category (in either field 1 or 2).

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern