Category & article menu
adi_cat_menu will produce a menu of child categories and their articles. By default, adi_cat_menu will…
adi_cat_menu will produce a menu of child categories and their articles. By default, adi_cat_menu will…
Build valid Sitemaps. Supports section, category, article and custom urls, and also custom permanent link…
Creates a CSS friendly ul-based section list with optional first and active css classes on li and a tags.
Once installed and activated, you’ll get: a new tab under Presentation, to set up the…
A plugin that gives the ability to go directly to a specific month in a mdp_calendar or zem_event calendar without having to page through them one at a time.
Iterate over stuff. Any TXP variable available on the public side can be grabbed and its contents can be filtered, then each one of the remaining items can be used in a form.
<txp:jmd_neighbor/> allows for next and previous articles to be output in an article form. This…
A new version of Ramanan Sivaranjan’s textpattern plugin , originally found on I’ve added some options and a new tag.
Offers the following tags to display page numbers on article list pages: rsx_page_number, rsx_last_page_num, rsx_page_number_nav, rsx_page_number_list, and rsx_to_of.
lam_category_popup v0.5 download here idea derived from this thread basically the same thing as <txp:popup…
This is a section hierarchy / subsection plugin. Download version 0.3.10: Download compressed 0.3.10:…
0 articles