hop to #bottom


Caches the outout of an url (simple GET APIs, URIs, websites etc.).

Caches the outout of an url (simple GET APIs, URIs, websites etc.). It can also be used to cache dynamic pages of the own website.



Summary adi_webhook provides a mechanism to easily implement webhooks on Textpattern websites. It waits for…


Set, read, reset or delete cookies.

Set, read, reset or delete cookies manually or through HTTP variables.


Display a custom quote or pull one from a web service

Easily display your own quote or pull one from the following services: Le Figaro (fr).…


Content informed conditional

Conditionally generate output depending on whether any of the enclosed tags generate content.


All the things

The download server is on summer vacancy, so I put it here. It’s a working…


Integrate weather data from OpenWeatherMap

Bringing OpenWeatherMap data to the Textpattern CMS.


Create social links for your articles (support for facebook®, Twitter®, G+®, Pinterest®, Tumblr®, Pocket®, Instapaper®, Linkedin®, Reddit®, Dribbble®) with an icon (optional and in SVG format) a share counting (optional), total share count (optional) plus all needed Open Graph meta tags for your head document (if applicable).


Convert ISBN13 format numbers to access the individual book page on Amazon stores

pat_amazon_isbn is a Textpattern CMS plugin that converts ISBN13 format numbers to ISBN10 ones in order to access the corresponding book page on Amazon stores (support for internationalization).


Script File Management

This plugin provides a system for managing external script files from within TXP Admin. select…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern