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Embed Youtube videos and customise the player

Easily embed Youtube videos and playlists in articles and customise the appearance of the player.


Wikipedia events based on date

<txp:jmd_wiki_events/> is a rewrite of mdn_wikitoday. It returns a list of Wikipedia events based on…


Itemstats-Implementation in Textpattern

If you ever wanted to use that nifty Itemstats-Functionality in your Articles you should give this implementation a try.


Merges several css files into one request

Merges several css files into one request

Podcasting With Txp

Generating an iTunes-friendly podcast with Txp

I wrote this tutorial because I felt that there was not a single comprehensive, easy-to-follow…


The _an7_mov_ plugin suite offers Quicktime and Flash Video media handling.

The an7_mov plugin suite offers Quicktime and Flash Video media handling, even Mediabox support.


A plugin for embedding flash movies uploade via the files tab with click to embed action.

wlk_flem is a flash embed plugin that allows for easy embed of flash movies with optional loading of movie onload of page or onclick of a “poster” image. It utilizes swfobject for embedding the flash into the page, and supports multiple flash movies per page, multiple flash movies per article, and use of custom fields for all embed actions, if one so desires it.


Embed YouTube video into your Textpattern site. Valid XHTML/HTML

Embed YouTube video into your Textpattern site. Valid XHTML/HTML



Easy way to embed videos in textpattern posts. Supports video embedding for the following sites: Google Video, YouTube, Break, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Vimeo, Collegehumor, Yahoo! Video, iFilm and MySpaceTV.


Flash audio player and Feedburner podcasting, all in one plugin

Flash audio player and Feedburner podcasting, all in one plugin

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern