If you'd like to provide updated information and do not have access to directly edit, please contact the site admin; thanks!
v or id: id to the youtube movie
width: width (in px) (default: 425)
text: the text you want to show if they dont have a flash player (default: You need a flash player to see this movie.)
xhtml: yes/no (default: yes)
ar: Aspect Ratio (default 1.214)
The script will automaticly add the right height (so the AR doesn’t go wrong). Will validate HTML or XHTML (default XHTML).
You can edit the width, text (if they dont have a flash player), and aspect ratio if you like.
Validating XHTML found at Fru W (Norwegian)
Version 0.3:
— Fixed RegEx
Version 0.3:
— Added id (id and v are the same), fixed filter on url (you can now paste full youtube links in v or id).
Version 0.2:
— Added width, text, xhtml and aspect ratio. Height are defined by width and AR.
Version 0.1:
— Added v
Archived [?]: orphaned: broken links