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Usage css_bundle
Example 1.
<txp:css_bundle n="default, foo, bar" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="http://my.host.com?css_bundle[]=default&css_bundle[]=foo&css_bundle[]=bar" />
default, foo, bar = names of internal textpattern stylesheets
Example 2.
<txp:css_bundle />
Fetches all available stylesheets and merges them in alphabetical order
Usage js_bundle
Example 1.
<txp:js_bundle n="default, foo, bar" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/textpattern?js_bundle[]=default&js_bundle[]=foo&js_bundle[]=bar"></script>
default, foo, bar = names of internal textpattern javascripts
Example 2.
<txp:js_bundle />
Fetches all available javascripts and merges them in alphabetical order