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A podcasting plugin for Textpattern

A plugin that provides podcasting features for Textpattern. Please see my site or the forums…


Youtube videos

This plugin shows a video from a tag given as parameter. An example could be…


Easily embed YouTube videos into your TXP site.

Easily embed YouTube videos into your TXP site.


Quicktime Embed Plugin

Updated to 0.9.7 Fixed a bug where movies were improperly detected when doubled up. You…


Last.fm tagcloud

This plugin shows a typical tagcloud from the stored data of a last.fm user. It has been added a new features and you can now select the kind of tagcloud that you wanna show. See help section of the plugin for more information.


mp3 audio player (flash)

<txp:jnm_audio /> inserts an mp3 audio player (flash) in your pages and articles.


Enables txp to stream videos via flash.

This plugin is an integration of the Flash Video Player written by Jeroen Wijering.
You can stream video files in flv-format.


Enables txp to stream mp3 via flash.

Enables txp to stream mp3 via flash.

This plugin integrates the Easy Musicplayer For Flash written by Marc Reichelt

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern