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Bookmarklets for a "Blog This" feature

Offers a tag for bookmarklets feature, like “blog this”.


Adds new "save new" button on write tab

Adds a “Save New” button to the write tab.


TinyMCE based WYSIWYG editor

Adds a WYSIWYG interface to the admin Article “write” page.


QuikPik Admin Menu Plugin

This plugin adds a dropdown menu to the top of the Textpattern admin interface. The…


Resize image and creates a thumbnail on upload

This is a admin plugin, it adds more options to Textpatterns image edit page. Resize image, create thumbnail and rotate image.

(Original at johan.galaxen.net)

btx_Admin Tabs

Beautified tabs in the admin area

This is a mod to change the style of the tabs in the admin area.


Improved error reporting

zem_debug provides strict error reporting and improved error messages for Textpattern. Where available (PHP…


XML-RPC for Textpattern

This is XML-RPC for Textpattern v1.0

Tooltip popups and notes on admin screen

Add some help tips to your admin page

This is a reasonably simple way to add some additional notes and helpful text to your admin screen. The popup tooltips act upon mouseover of the tooltipped text.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern