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*2/2/2006: this plugin has been lost and the original author is no longer supporting/developing it. If someone else has a copy of it, please feel free to share. Or if someone is interested in taking it over, you’re welcome to do so.

This plugin allows you to hide fields from the “Write Article” page. (I’ve used it to hide the “Use Textile” and “Keywords” sections so as to not confuse the guy for whom I’m designing a Textpattern-powered site.)

Currently, you must edit the source of the plugin to specify which fields to hide. Hopefully I will add a preference page for the plugin soon, but for now, this will have to do. (It’s better than hacking the Textpattern code.)

In order to hide a field, change “1” to “0” in the array at the top of the plugin code. Do this by clicking “edit” on the plugins page. Do not change the names in this array, or the plugin will not work.

The plugin requires Rev. 198 or later which is when admin-side plugin support was added.

Note: Should now work for all languages. Do not change the names in the array, or the plugin will not work.


As of February 2006, this plugin is no longer available.

Added the ability to hide a few more fields.
Locale support: Plugin should work no matter which language Textpattern is set to use.

Added “Recent Articles” link to the list of fields that can be hidden.

Users no longer have to manually type the names of fields they want hidden. Just set the preference to “0” for fields desired hidden. The source must still be edited though.

Initial release

Article Request Count:
Initially released:
Posted here:
10 May 2005

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Published with Textpattern