hop to #bottom


lets you browse your articles/images/files in admin backend by dropdowns of categories/sections

this plugin lets you browse your articles/images/files in admin backend by dropdowns of categories/sections applicable to that area…sort of(see caveats).


Control your admin fields on a per-section basis

Currently allows you to define your custom fields on a per-section basis (from the presentation > sections tab.)


Unlimited, Super Special Custom Fields

*Most recent version is v1.2.4. If you’ve already contributed towards the plugin, head over to…


manipulate order and sections of articles simply using Drag & Drop

With our new Textpattern plugin you can manipulate the order of your articles and put them in different sections – by simply using Drag & Drop!


Inline image uploading within “write” tab.


Modifying User Account Roles and Privileges

Modifying User Account Roles and Privileges Warning This plugin is pretty raw at present, and…


A simple to use mailing list manager for Textpattern

This plugin has been remade by the amazing Manfre. Get it here. – Ben ——————————————————————————————————————R…

Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Easily build multi-lingual sites using textpattern!

The MLP Pack is an extension pack for Textpattern that allows you to easily build and maintain multi-lingual websites and manage translations.


Stores JavaScript files within the database and handles them similar to CSS files.

Stores JavaScript files within the database and handles them similar to CSS files.


adds batch upload capability

EBL_Batchupload gives Textpattern users the ability to upload multiple, resize, thumbnail and import with a…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern