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Textarea and Input Field Resizing

The rss_admin_resize plugin allows you to customize the size of the primary textareas and input…


Open 'Advanced Options' by default

This is a pretty simple plugin but a useful replacement for the Advanced Options open…


Adds new "save new" button on write tab

Adds a “Save New” button to the write tab.


Generates a dropdown-list of all images

This plugin generates a dropdown-list of all images. The selected could be inserted in the article’s body, excerpt or image field.


Ping your favorite pinging service

This plugin will ping your favorite pinging service, you could easily add as many sites as you want.


TinyMCE based WYSIWYG editor

Adds a WYSIWYG interface to the admin Article “write” page.


QuikPik Admin Menu Plugin

This plugin adds a dropdown menu to the top of the Textpattern admin interface. The…


Admin plugin: public notepad

I decided to give admin plugins a try and this seems to work out well. It’s pretty much the same as the former (and pretty much now defunct) notepad hack

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern