Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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*Most recent version is v1.2.4. If you’ve already contributed towards the plugin, head over to the private glz_custom_fields Google Group. Even though all discussion is happening on the TXP forum, this is a great place for downloading the plugin (v1.2 is there, as is v1.2.2 & v1.2.3). So just in case you’ve misplaced your glz_custom_fields copy (even if it is a previous version), all you have to do is login there.

Contribute now and get a download link instantly

This plugin sits under the Extensions tab in the back-end and gives your custom fields new life. You can finally have custom fields that are selects, multi-selects, checkboxes, radios and textareas – besides the default input fields. You can predefine values for custom fields and you can select a single default value (selects, multi-selects, checkboxes and radios only). Rather then constantly typing in the same thing over and over again, just select or check it and you’re set.

The plugin doesn’t require any hacking of TXP, it’s a straight install with instant gratification. Also there’s support for special custom fields as well. The first of them is the Date Picker custom field, but more will follow.

As you might realize, this plugin took quiet some time to put together. Contribute £10 (the equivalent of $20 or €10) to get updates for life and use the plugin on as many websites as you want.

Article Request Count:
Initially released:
14 September 2007
Posted here:
16 Sep 2007

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Published with Textpattern