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This is a small-ish admin-only plugin that…

  1. Allows you to define the visibility of your custom fields on a per-section basis (from the presentation > sections tab.)
  2. The set of custom fields that are shown in the content > write tab are updated on-the-fly every time you change your article’s section.
  3. Allow individual sections to be hidden from the content > write > section drop-down — essentially allowing you to filter out static pages from your users’ lists of available sections.

Planned Features…

  1. Alter the layout of the Sections tab to make it more useful
  2. Allow per-section control of the visibility of remaining advanced options on the write tab.

Note This depends upon sed_plugin_library v0.4 or above.

Article Request Count:
Initially released:
November 27th, 2007
Posted here:
09 Dec 2007

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