hop to #bottom


A navigation management plugin

yab_navigation – A navigation management plugin


External content-type snippets.

External content-type snippets.


Rearrange and style items in the write tab, hide them on a per section basis and more

This plugin aims to be an all-in-one solution for the “write” tab customization. It allows to rearrange items in the write tab, hide them on a per-section basis, remove some sections from the sections dropdown and much more. By combining its features you can get a totally different write tab arrangement depending on which section you choose in the sections dropdown. Used alone or togheter with other plugins (glz_custom_fields and bot_admin_body_class to name a few) it will help you customize the site backend for your clients quickly and easily.


Add fancy tooltips to the admin interface.

This plugin allows to add fancy tooltips to the admin interface using Craig Thompson’s qtips. While completely useless for your self-managed website it can be useful indeed to show customized instructions for your clients.

Admin Interface Restyled theme

An admin theme for Textpattern 4.2.0. This is not an original theme; I only ported…


Adds no-cache headers to admin-side pages

Adds no-cache headers to admin-side pages. The plugin tries to disable all unwanted admin-side caching that could make editing articles and page templates impossible.


Easily associate a location with your articles

Article Location Map This plugin will add a Google map to your article tab to…

wet_snitch: Secret feed of unpublished articles

share contents with other editors with secret URL

wet_snitch publishes a feed of unpublished articles on a secret randomized URL. Suitable for sharing…


Select a default article category

Allows you to pick a default category for articles, just like you can select a default section.

wet_haystack: Add additional fields to full-text search

Custom fulltext search index builder

Add more fields to the fulltext search index
Textpattern’s full text index uses the articles’ body and title contents to find proper matches for site-internal searches.
wet_haystack is a plugin for Textpattern CMS which allows site publishers to modify this default behaviour by adding additional article fields to the set of indexed content.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern