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Erik Bosrups famous overLIB

with improvements and plugins by Robert E. Boughner and me Install and activate lum_p version…


jQuery plugin collection

bundles some useful extensions and plugins for jQuery. The most notable one is jQuery UI,…


Display your formatted Twitter feed on your Textpattern site

atb_twitter displays feeds from microblogging platforms (Twitter and sites based on StatusNet, including identi.ca) on…


Every PHP function is a potential Textpattern tag

Turn every PHP function into a Textpattern tag. That’s right, with rah_function pretty much any PHP function can be used as a Textpattern tag.



This is a plugin that enables the use of PubSubHubBub protocol to announce when new content has been posted to the weblog.


This is a plugin that enables the use of RSSCloud for push notification.

This is a plugin for Textpattern built by Walker Hamilton (http://walkerhamilton.com) that enables the use of RSSCloud. Portions of this plugin are based on the plugin initially implemented by Joseph Scott (http://josephscott.org/). You should really use PubSubHubBub and not RSSCloud, but, since Worpress had this thing running, I figured Textpattern should have the ability too.


Piwik integration

Used to generate the JavaScript code for the Piwik open source web analytics tool.


Embed Youtube videos and customise the player

Easily embed Youtube videos and playlists in articles and customise the appearance of the player.


Dynamically include linkedin hresume in textpattern pages

p>gs_linkedin is a port of <a href="http://brad.touesnard.com/">Brad Touesnard&rsquo;s</a> Wordpress plugin <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/linkedin-hresume/">LinkedIn hResume</a>. It grabs the Microformated hResume block from your LinkedIn public profile page allowing you to add it to any page with a simple textpattern tag and apply your own styles.</p> 


Akismet integration for Textpattern

Akismet Plugin for Textpattern. Note: This plugin does not make use of the reporting Spam…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern