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I searched for the possibility to show the link to the commentform in an other look than “commentstring [num]”. So I ripped of shamelessly Reiniers rei_comments_invite-plugin to fit my needs. With this plugin it is possible to show comment-invites like “12 comments to go”.

Hiding and customizing the comments form and system

Hiding the comments form and customizing the comments in general

This is the documentation of a few of the steps I took to achieve a customized comments system..

i had stated in the forum that i would like to be able to:

have the comments show only when you click on ‘comments’, rather than having the comments and commentform (particularly) shown fully when on a single_article page.

so here’s how i successfully managed this on mine…


Comments invite, names of commentors

Show link to comments with the names of the latest commenters. Very adjustable.


A formating bar that will insert textile formating code in the textarea

This plugin will create a formating bar that will insert textile formating code in the textarea. Its based on the quicktags used by wordpress.

Better Remembered Commenters

Have comments welcome back visitors instead of redisplaying entire comment form for regular visitors.


Alternate even/odd comments

Alternates output based on even- or odd-numbered comments

Removing Comment Previews

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to remove the comments preview function from Textpattern. It involves publish/comments.php in your Textpattern folder, and I would advise backing up the file before you make any changes.


Conditional tags on comment cookie

This plugin allows you to display certain information about comments only to those users who don’t have the comment cookie set, i.e. who are likely to be first-time visitors.


Output an unordered list of the most recent comments

In the current version, the recent_comments tag from Dean isn’t working like I want it. I want an unordend list, like the other lists (recent articles, related etc.) So I made my own plugin that I can use till Dean fixed the list problem (cause it should work in my opinion).


Reduces the incentive for comment spam.

Applies PR blocking to outgoing links, to reduce the incentive for comment spam.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern