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show the count of existing comments before the invitation (yes|no)? default is set to yes.

like in other tags. default is empty (inline).

the comment-invite is wrapped in a span. what classname should this span (not the wraptag, which is around the span) have? default is “comm-invite”

if the article has zero comments, what should the invitation state? default is the comment-invitation given in the articleform. if this value is set, it will override the comment-invitation of the article. (remember to set spaces in front of the string if you want a space between the count and the invitation)

if the article has one comments, what should the invitation state? default is “ comment”. (remember to set spaces in front of the string if you want a space between the count and the invitation)

if the article has more than one comments, what should the invitation state? default is “ comments”. (remember to set spaces in front of the string if you want a space between the count and the invitation)

if the article has comments disabled, what should the invitation state? default is the comment-invitation given in the articleform. if this value is set, it will override the comment-invitation of the article. if it should state nothing, it has to be set but empty.


2005-04-22 v.0.2 – bugfix for the zero-text – bugfix: wraptag is applied to the nocomment-invitation – bugfix/feature (?): if comments disabled and there are yet comments the nocomment-text will be linked to the comments – feature: changes in the handling of the nocomment-attribute – feature: class-attribute

2005-04-21 v.0.1 initial version

Article Request Count:
Initially released:
Posted here:
22 Apr 2005

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