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Based on the standard comments_invite. Shows link to comments with the names of the latest commenters. Very adjustable.
To me it seems quite finished, but feedback is appreciated! ;-)
Example output:
Comment – comments by Reinier, Dean, Jason
Example of usage:
<txp:rei_comments_invite />
<txp:rei_comments_invite limit="10" showcount="yes" nocomment="Commenting disabled" />
Default values:
- wraptag = “p”
- limit = “5”
- sep = ”, ”
- showcount = notset
- emptytxt = notset
- onetxt = notset
- moretxt = notset
- nocomment = notset
Explaining the attributes:
- wraptag: the tag around the whole thing
- limit: the maximum names of commenters displayed
- sep: the seperater that seperates the names (if “br” than they are nicely breaked)
- showcount: if set on yes (or any other value) the amount of comments is displayed just like the default textpattern way
- emptytxt: the text before the names, when there are no commenters
- onetxt: the text before the names, when there is one commenter
- moretxt: the text before the names, when there are multiple commenters
- nocomment: the text to show when you disabled comments for the entry
Initially released:
Posted here:
11 Apr 2005