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Paginated comments

Paginated comment listings for Textpattern 4.0.6 and up.


Kills Spam with a hidden Input-Field and checks for BBCode

htn_antispam is a simple plugin to prevent your textpattern blog from spamattacks. The plugin generates…


Akismet integration for Textpattern

Akismet Plugin for Textpattern. Note: This plugin does not make use of the reporting Spam…


Display recent comments

Fine, textpattern has already provided a recent comments tag. But someone love it and someone hate it. And it indeed is not so powerful enough. So, this thing was born.


  1. class: css class, default is wyn_recent_comments
  2. wraptag: tag of wrap, default is ul
  3. break: tag of every item, default is li
  4. label: title label, default is nothing


Comment Sofa plugin

It can generate a cloud or a list for commenters who commented the most. OR…


Nested comments ala Livejournal

Nested comments for threaded discussions ala Livejournal. Still a work in progress; the fundamental functionality…


Spam-fighting plugin using Defensio spam-checking service.

Uses the Defensio spam-filtering service to keep spam out of your Textpattern site’s comments.


Implementation of reCAPTCHA for TextPattern

This plugin implements reCAPTCHA for TextPattern comments. When a visitor submits a comment they’ll have to solve a reCAPTCHA on the comments preview. If the preview is not solved after the maximum number of attempts, then the comment is sent to the comment moderation queue.


htn_comment_count is a plugin for counting comments, articles, discussions.

htn_comment_count allows you to show the total number of all comments, your discussions and articles. The plugin also has some basic filter-functions.

htn_comment_count_user can output the number of comments of a single user.


Comment Reply Plugin

This plugin adds the capability to reply to comments, and show the replies differently (ie: indented) using a different class than for normal comments.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern