hop to #bottom


Related articles by keywords

This plug-in behaves the same as related_articles except that it searches for keywords as well.…


connects individual article to link categories

This plugin gives you two more txp-tags:
txp:bas_links_per_article and txp:bas_if_links_per_article

Random articles

Call a random article or list of random articles

The ability to call a random article is already built into the txp:article_custom tag, with the attribute sortby="rand()".


Recent articles in a dropdown list

akh_selrecent is a modified (and seperate) version of txp:recent_articles. it outputs exactly the same information…


Email article link plugin

<txp:mrh_email_article_link /> generates a simple “mailto:” link using either a button image and/or text link that provides the URL for the current article in the message body (thus this should be used inside a single article form) and the title in the subject line.


Static articles in chosen order

(Note: use of doArticle is not recommended practise. The instructions have been updated to use…

if_individual_article and if_article_list tags

Conditional tags for article list and full article pages

These conditionals are built into textpattern and are very useful for setting up your pages…


Date shows once per day rather than for each article

Have the date print once per day rather than for every article Provides date aware…


Paginated articles

Created a little plugin that lets you split articles into multiple pages. Note: this will…


Paginated articles

Splits articles in pages, and produces controls for page navigation. This is a fork of…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern