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Display word count and comments

wet_article_info is a plugin that displays word counts for body and excerpt on the Content…


Poll / Ballot / Voting plugin


Poll – Ballot – Voting plugin


  • Create votes/polls/ballots for your website.
  • Vote Info is added/edited on the Admin->Vote tab.
  • Presently up to 10 vote options can be set.
  • Ballot fraud check methods include a choice of cookie, ip, login. Cookie (default) reverts to IP if cookie can’t be set.
  • A closing date and time for your ballot can be set. Leave blank or set to ’00-00-00 00:00:00’ for a never ending vote.
  • Option to show results before voting closes or not. (Unless never-ending vote chosen)



Unlog me and site admin

Escape logging. Strip Textpattern’s visitor logs from records caused by site admins and staff, and IPs of your choosing.


Display Textpattern version

This extremely simple and tiny plugin displays the version number of Textpattern running on your site. It outputs plaintext which can be linkified if desired. Typically, its output is “Textpattern 4.2.0”, or whatever your version is.


Display article info such as word counts to your visitors. Word count available on the Write tab too

Return article body and excerpt counts to your visitors. Also displays a tally of the number of words in the current article on the Write tab.


Counts images and provides a conditional tag

This plugin provides two new tags:

  • <txp:ckr_image_count /> – output the count of all images
  • <txp:ckr_if_image_count></txp:ckr_if_image_count> – a conditional tag


Piwik integration

Used to generate the JavaScript code for the Piwik open source web analytics tool.


Calculator for TXP variables

adi_calc does calculations using TXP variables. See the help supplied with the plugin, or have…


Comment Sofa plugin

It can generate a cloud or a list for commenters who commented the most. OR…

rsx_page_number [revised]

Display page numbers on article list pages

A new version of Ramanan Sivaranjan’s textpattern plugin , originally found on textpattern.org. I’ve added some options and a new tag.

Offers the following tags to display page numbers on article list pages: rsx_page_number, rsx_last_page_num, rsx_page_number_nav, rsx_page_number_list, and rsx_to_of.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern