Link Category Listing w/ count
This plugin generates a listing of hyperlinked link category names with an optional display of…
This plugin generates a listing of hyperlinked link category names with an optional display of…
ats_master_category_list is a very slight modification to category_list that allows for the output of a category list with only master categories. Use ats_master_category_list exactly as you would the normal category_list function; to restrict list to top-level categories only, add the parameter master
The rdt_dynamenus plugin automagically generates section-aware menus of sections and articles and ensures that they are automagically updated whenver new sections or articles are added to the website.
I’ve turned my really simple PHP breadcrumbs into a Textpattern plugin. Use with clean URL…
Created a little plugin that lets you split articles into multiple pages. Note: this will…
Splits articles in pages, and produces controls for page navigation. This is a fork of…
0 articles