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Weather from Finland

Outputs a various weather information from Finland’s most bigest cities.


Social Bookmarking Quick Links

Social bookmarking plugin for textpattern. Currently supported are: del.icio.us, digg.com, stumbleupon.com, facebook.com, reddit.com
More will come in the next version and per request.


cwh_hobo is a plugin that will generate a random hobo name from "The Areas of my Expertise"

cwh_hobo is a plugin that will display a random hobo name from John Hodgeman’s list…


Offers custom text replacement; from emoticons and smilies to keyword links.

an7_filter offers custom text replacement; from emoticons and smilies to keyword links.


Timed CSS Stylesheet Swapper

Timed CSS Stylesheet Swapper This plugin changes the stylesheet based on the time. zen_css will…



txp_twitter is a plugin which writes a tweet at your space at twitter, each time…


Adds a 'help' tab to the 'Content' area of admin. Intended to be used to provide documentation and help for end users/site editors.

Update v0.6 21st August 2008 Added a few enhancements: edit tab name configure integration of…


a Ajax rating system for Textpattern

Inroduction css_rating is a Ajax rating system for Textpattern based on Unobtrusive AJAX Star Rating…

Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Easily build multi-lingual sites using textpattern!

The MLP Pack is an extension pack for Textpattern that allows you to easily build and maintain multi-lingual websites and manage translations.

Printable Pocket Reference

A handy pocket reference for some of the most often used Textpattern page tags.

A handy pocket reference for some of the most often used Textpattern page tags. Note:…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern