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customized mdp_automatic resize & thumbnails for RC3

Customized mdp_automatic-randt to work for RC3.


Displays list of images

Displays a list of images in a particular image category and displays it using thumbnails


Counts images in an article or category

A simple plugin that counts how many images there is in an article or a category or just total number of images uploaded to TXP.


Outputs a gallery from an image category to a dl list

This plugin is is a hacked version of jwl_img_list it outputs a gallery from a given category to a nice dl list if the parameter usecaption is set to 1 it outputs a caption under the image.


Return an article image or a standard image

tfu_image_or returns an article image URL or a default value of your choice.


Make an image rollover from two TXP images

This plugin allows you to specify two Textpattern images by name or ID, which will…


Resize image and creates a thumbnail on upload

This is a admin plugin, it adds more options to Textpatterns image edit page. Resize image, create thumbnail and rotate image.

(Original at johan.galaxen.net)

mdp_automatic_randt mod

Automatic Resize & Thumbnails

TXP Hack to automatically create thumbnails from uploaded JPEG’s


Rotating Image

Display a image that changes on a time interval.


Create and edit photo galleries

This combination plugin/hack allows one to create and edit photo galleries.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern