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Wikipedia events based on date

<txp:jmd_wiki_events/> is a rewrite of mdn_wikitoday. It returns a list of Wikipedia events based on…


Countdown Plugin

An improved (imho) version of glx_countdown. Attributes year month day hour minute delimiter – defaults…


Add the expiration of the articles to the write tab

This plugin add the option to the write tab for expiration of the articles.


conditional to expire article based on posted date

It tests for a set length of time, or greater, in the past against the…


Posting time based article content selection.

Both ras_enable_articles and ras_disable_articles conditional tags are included. These conditional tags compare article posting dates to attribute settings and return contained content accordingly.


listing of past, today’s, and future articles separatable by day posted

aaa_dates is a simple plugin to organize lists of event dates using single articles announcing single events (with their posting day and time set to the event accordingly).
The plugin separates articles of today from articles with future or past publishing dates (the last two incl. or excl. today). Just that, no other luxury.


Conditionals based on dates

Using this conditional tag you can compare a date specified in an article custom field with a date specified in the tag or with ‘today’.
This way you can eg. control the visibility of an article or its part according to dates.


Manage publication times for links

jjj_link_pub_time uses javascript to extend the form in the links tab to have a timestamp option identical to the one in the write tab. It also includes a <txp:jjj_linklist /> tag, which is identical to <txp:linklist /> except that it leaves out links with a future date, so you can schedule a link’s publication.


An automated copyright notice generator.

Updated to v1.0 (May 10th, 2006)

A simple plugin that outputs a copyright message with dates automatically pulled from the articles in your TXP installation.

This effectively means you (and your clients) can forget about having to do copyright notice maintenance—yeah!


Event Manager

Download jmc_event_manager v0.2beta Preamble The jmc_event_manager is a plugin/hack for textpattern created to allow users…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern