Additional control over article lists
Allows you to pre-select articles to limit the scope of an article
or article_custom
tag, using selection criteria not offered by those tags
Allows you to pre-select articles to limit the scope of an article
or article_custom
tag, using selection criteria not offered by those tags
Automatically cut long articles into smaller pieces at custom points or on particular (X)HTML tags.
Automatically allow short URLs comprising just the article ID for convenience to visitors.
Useful if you use a JavaScript/CSS package such as Slimbox and only want to load the relevant files on pages where you actually need them.
Insert a table in TxP article is very simple! Select in Excel, IE, Mozilla, FireFox,…
Leave the boundaries of TXP’s next/previous article and walk through your articles however you like: across sections; by author; by category; using article_image or custom field navigation; future articles; pretty much anything you can think up.
Multiple conditional tests using a select… case syntax for performing many tests against one item.
A system for assembling, managing, and creating navigation elements for multi-page articles.
A calendar / event / scheduling system that uses the standard TXP article as an event. One-off, recurring, cancelled, multi-day, past, future, expired and holiday events are all catered for.
0 articles