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Additional control over article lists

Allows you to pre-select articles to limit the scope of an article or article_custom tag, using selection criteria not offered by those tags


Chop long articles into smaller paged pieces at some text/tags of your choosing.

Automatically cut long articles into smaller pieces at custom points or on particular (X)HTML tags.


Shorten URLs to just site.com/ID and have the browser auto-forward

Automatically allow short URLs comprising just the article ID for convenience to visitors.


Per-article loading of JavaScript and CSS files

Useful if you use a JavaScript/CSS package such as Slimbox and only want to load the relevant files on pages where you actually need them.


Insert a table in TxP article is very simple!

Insert a table in TxP article is very simple! Select in Excel, IE, Mozilla, FireFox,…


Easily associate a location with your articles

Article Location Map This plugin will add a Google map to your article tab to…


Navigate beyond the conventional TXP article structure; multiple sections, future articles, the works

Leave the boundaries of TXP’s next/previous article and walk through your articles however you like: across sections; by author; by category; using article_image or custom field navigation; future articles; pretty much anything you can think up.


Multiple choice (select... case) conditional actions

Multiple conditional tests using a select… case syntax for performing many tests against one item.


Multiple-page documents

A system for assembling, managing, and creating navigation elements for multi-page articles.


Full-featured calendar / schedule / event manager with expiry, future / recurring / cancelled / spanned events. Events are standard articles: all native TXP solution

A calendar / event / scheduling system that uses the standard TXP article as an event. One-off, recurring, cancelled, multi-day, past, future, expired and holiday events are all catered for.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern