Admin side colorpicker
Color Picker for use with Widescreen Template by James Muspratt or any time you want a custom color associated with an article.
This plugin adds a colorwheel to a custom field in the write tab allowing you to associate a color with each article.
Textpattern interface restyled for 4.0.6
A 4.0.6 update to Dan Hoy's admin theme/mod
filtering articles in admin backend by sections, categories, authors and statuses
This plugin was made for filtering articles in the admin backend and it’s filtering by sections, categories, authors and statuses.
displays live word count update when editing articles
basically like zem_article_info, except this plugin provides live word count update as you type, permalink, and displays the current article id. (link and id don’t show up until you actually save the article of course)
lets you browse your articles/images/files in admin backend by dropdowns of categories/sections
this plugin lets you browse your articles/images/files in admin backend by dropdowns of categories/sections applicable to that area…sort of(see caveats).
adds accordion effect to section list in admin area
improved upload images from the write tab
download here: lam_image_uploader v0.6c Allows you to upload images via the Write tab. Based on…
Plugins' tables manager
This plugin is designed to help users of plugins that require them to create new tables in the database.
Some plugins need to create additional tables in the Textpattern database. Some of them (like this one) care to create and remove their own tables, however, some plugins give the user one or more text files with the commands required for MySQL to create the tables needed.
In these cases, the user is forced to use the mysql
command line or the phpmyadmin tool in order to create the tables.
This plugin, although somehow still raw, is (hopefully) a simpler way to create tables for this kind of plugin.
wet_parachute: Warn before losing unsaved changes
Warn before losing unsaved changes
wet_parachute prevents you from losing changes to an article by inadvertently closing the browser window.…
0 articles