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syntax highlighted code

This plugin creates a shaded area with syntax highlighted code (for PHP only currently).


A formating bar that will insert textile formating code in the textarea

This plugin will create a formating bar that will insert textile formating code in the textarea. Its based on the quicktags used by wordpress.


Comment out parts of forms completely

The anc_hide plugin allows you to comment out areas of a page or form opaquely;…


Format code as Dunstan's shown us

Saw Dunstan Orchard’s article about tag redefinition and thought that this could / would be…


Replace built-in Textile with TextilePHP

This is a fairly involved hack for TXP that allows one to use TextilePHP, or any other suitable replacement for Textile, quite easily.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern