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Customise the Txp admin interface with CSS

This little plugin lets you add your own stylesheet to the TXP Admin Interface so that you can customse it with your own styles.


A plugin to generate html for rendering text in multiple columns.

This is a little plugin that makes columns by taking any html (usually article bodies)…

Image Replacement without plugins

How to use native tags to replace text with images

<div class="<txp:section />"><h2><txp:section /></h2></div>
This is really simple but read on for more info.


Textarea and Input Field Resizing

The rss_admin_resize plugin allows you to customize the size of the primary textareas and input…


Custom stylesheets per article

Allows for conditional stylesheets on a per-article basis.

Style-switcher (non-plugin)

Style-switcher script, independent of Textpattern code

A nice little style-switcher script that can work independently of Textpattern, and can be set up with very little fuss.


Switch hyperlink generator

fla_altlist_link is a style-switch hyperlink generator. It allows you to easily and quickly create links to alternate stylesheets switcher with fla_style_switcher .


Style switcher

fla_style_switcher is a stylesheet switching system. It enables a cookie-based style switcher system, based on Build a PHP Switcher by Chris Clark, published on alistapart.com.

btx_Admin Tabs

Beautified tabs in the admin area

This is a mod to change the style of the tabs in the admin area.

Default Template

Original Textpattern template

These are the default CSS and template for an original Textpattern installation.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern