hop to #bottom


Filters article thumbnails by various criteria

Link specific thumbnails to their articles


A little change to display author's page link

Really simple replacement for txp:author. If you define a section with ‘section’ attribute you’ll have…


Posted Dates for Links

This plugin is not needed anymore, the functionality is now available in the core (v.4.0.4).…


Link Category Listing w/ count

This plugin generates a listing of hyperlinked link category names with an optional display of…


Fetch and display a bloglines blogroll

Retrieves a list of links provided by a shared Bloglines blogroll and formats them in a Textpattern-familiar way.


custom permalinks plugin

This is a plugin for custom permalinks.


Turn your Textpattern installation into a Wiki

This hack and/or plugin lets you use WikiWords inside of TXP article’s or reference external links. The words refer to other TXP article’s. The words arn’t automatically created, like a real wiki, but any words that haven’t been setup are just disregarded.


Image slideshow plugin

Displays Next and Previous buttons for use in image slideshows, either with text links or with thumbnails, and display series of photographs organised according to category.


Returns url of article; also for a pulldown menu of articles by section

This plugin is no longer needed, this ability is now supported by the built-in tag,…


connects individual article to link categories

This plugin gives you two more txp-tags:
txp:bas_links_per_article and txp:bas_if_links_per_article

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern