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Weighted list of article categories

Attention: This plugin is in an early stage. Please be aware, that it may contain…


nfe_if_category is a conditional tag that works complementary to the built-in if_category tag. The tag…


jnm_categories is a simple plugin to display article’s categories, separated by ‘separator’ if second exists.…


Adds extra text to category names, either appended or prepended.

Adds extra text to category names, either prepended or appended.


Category popup with article count

<txp:rley_popup_cat /> creates a popup/dropdown list similar to <txp:popup type=“c” /> and <txp:zem_popup_cat />. It…

Section and Category Pull-down Menus, Part II

In continuation to Mary’s previous article:
Section and Category Pull-down Menus, here is how to have these as simple category selects, provided, you have one article assigned per category


Conditional tags based on whether or not there are articles in a category

This is a simple plugin which counts the number of articles in a given category and provides conditional tags which you can use to show or hide elements of your site based on whether there are zero or more than zero articles in the category.


Unlimited Article Categories

The rss_unlimited_categories plugin enables you to assign an unlimited number of categories to an article…


Category Menu generator

This plugin generates a html list based on your site category structure.


Full menu control (custom order, visibility, no hacks)

This plugin allows you to display categories as a menu tree of nested list elements.…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
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