Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Andrei Z
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Category Menu generator

This plugin generates a html list based on your site category structure.

Learn by example

<txp:azp_menugen start="fruits" showcount="yes">

will generate a menu of category fruits and all its subcategories if available and show the article count.

<txp:azp_menugen start="?" depth="3">

will generate of menu of the current selected category and show maximum three levels of subcategories. start property is by default "?"

<txp:azp_menugen start="root">

will generate a menu of all the site categories

Also, azp_menugen generates XHTML compliant list menu and tags the active items with the css class "active"

Article Request Count:
Initially released:
17 feb 2006
Posted here:
19 Mar 2006

You know you want to visit the Archives.
Published with Textpattern