Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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We Need You

No man is an island. Or a pear, for that matter.

You do not have to be the original author of a mod, tutorial, etc. in order to post it here. If you come across some useful information in the forum, or on someone else’s website, then post it here for others to find. If you would rather not post it yourself, then send an email with the information and it will be posted on your behalf.

The more articles are posted at this site, the more useful it will become for everyone.

If you are an author of a plugin, template, etc., or have written some tips about your own Textpattern experience on your site, please post it on this site; posting your own work ensures that the information is displayed as you prefer it to be. And if you’d like to help on the back end, simply drop an email saying so.

Everyone’s assistance is requested to help keep this site as complete, updated, and accurate as possible. Do not hesitate to log in and make changes on your own, or to send an email to notify the admin of even the smallest errors.

A sincere thanks to those who have linked this site on their own, and to those who have been posting articles — the more, the very merrier!

As a community, we can make this site as useful for one another as we would like it to be.

Published with Textpattern