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nfe_if_category is a conditional tag that works complementary to the built-in if_category tag. The tag…


Adds extra text to category names, either appended or prepended.

Adds extra text to category names, either prepended or appended.

wet_if_status: Check for an article’s “live” or “sticky” status

Checks for "Live" or "Sticky" article status

wet_if_status contains two conditional tags which check for an article’s status being either “live” or…


Conditional tags based on whether or not there are articles in a category

This is a simple plugin which counts the number of articles in a given category and provides conditional tags which you can use to show or hide elements of your site based on whether there are zero or more than zero articles in the category.


conditional to expire article based on posted date

It tests for a set length of time, or greater, in the past against the…


Posting time based article content selection.

Both ras_enable_articles and ras_disable_articles conditional tags are included. These conditional tags compare article posting dates to attribute settings and return contained content accordingly.


Conditionals based on dates

Using this conditional tag you can compare a date specified in an article custom field with a date specified in the tag or with ‘today’.
This way you can eg. control the visibility of an article or its part according to dates.


manage multiple domains with only one TXP

Allows you to manage multiple domains with only one Textpattern. Download it and read help…


Conditional behavior with/without search results

The rss_if_search_results plugin allows for the conditional display of data when search results are (or…


conditional tag based on article image category needs name=”” attribute accepts else tag

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern